This will be a tutorial on how I make my bone jars for Halloween . These look great sitting on a table or counter .They are cheap and a prop you can use year after year.
Lets begin!
Jars that will fit your bones
food coloring
lemon juice or vinegar
fishing sinker or something heavy to weight down bones
and the bones of your choice
I go to the dollar tree and get lots of things and they usually have the pack of bones .The dollar stores in your area should have some fairly cheap ( I like cheap)
Take your jar and fill it with tap water (remember we are adding to the water so do not fill all the way )
Add food coloring .Just a few drops .You want to be able to see the bones and if it is to light you can add more later.
I add about to 2 tbs of lemon juice as a perservitive .You can leave this out if you are only going to have the props up for a short time .I add them because I leave mine up for a long time.Stir the water to get it all mixed well Now take the bones you bought and add sinkers or small rocks to give them weight .This will help them stay at the bottom of your jar and not float .If your bones do not have a hole you can drill a whole big enough to add the weight ,but most times the hole will be on the plastic bones.
Drop the bones in the water and you are done! Now all you have to do is add some spider web ,plastic mouse and such . This is spooky looking with black lights in the background. When I have mine up at Halloween I will post the pictures. It looks great, Fast ,easy,and cheap !MY kind of Halloween!!
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