Friday, April 29, 2011

The Halloween Tree

It was a small town by a small river and a small lake in a small Midwest state. There wasn't so much wilderness around that you couldn't see the town.But on the other hand there wasn't so much town you couldn't see and feel and touch and smell the wilderness.The town was full of trees.And dry grass and dead flowers now that autumn was here.And full of fences to walk on and sidewalks to skate on and a large ravine to tumble in and yell across.And the town was full of ........
And it was the afternoon of Halloween.

This story is one of my all time favorites. The Halloween Tree book by Ray Bradbury is very different than the movie. The book has 8 boys in the story (not including Pip) and the movie has 3 boys and 1 girl. There are allot of differences but to me it didn't change the feel of the book or movie. I liked them both and have watched the movie (narrated by Ray Bradbury himself) so much I can almost say the lines with the characters. I love the opening of the movie and Ray R. voice makes me think of fall leaves blowing across sidewalks at dark, moon bright in sky. Clouds passing over giving trees and other things in the night a spooky feel that sends a shiver down the spine. Kids dressed in costumes with candy sacks banging against their legs as they hurry to  for treats..........
It's wonderful (for me anyway) to be able to capture and keep that feeling as I grow in life. Childhood is so magical and anything can be when you are young. Revisiting this feeling is special and I hope it never gets lost..
You can find the book at  Amazon . Click the link here and it will take you to the page The Halloween Tree.
They offer the book as well as the movie.I think this will be a great addition to you'r book and movie library. It's wounderful for kids and adults alike . Make some memories with your kids or grandkids and have a family tradition that can be passed on as they grow.

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